Monday, July 19, 2010

Sunset at Church on Mount of Beatitudes

While the retreat is something that is inter-active and has us on the move every day, there is still time and space for personal reflection, journaling and prayer, for which I am grateful. I work in a ministry that is, by the very nature of it, loud. Very, very loud, so I relish quiet time, where I can sort out my thoughts, recharge my inner batteries---and one of the ways I can do this is by spending some time on my own. The church at the Mt of Beatitudes is a lovely place to walk to, and spend time in prayer. This is a 'high place' for me. We spoke of the high places today---they were alt. places of worship and condemned as places of idolatry because true worship, they thought at the time, happened in Jerusalem. We reflect on the high places in our own lives and how they are places of inclusion. This beautiful site, at the top of the Mt of Beatitudes, is a thoughtful place for reflection. For our reflection today---"What do my own 'high places' look like?" This is what one of my many 'high places' looks like.

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