Thursday, July 22, 2010

Church of Mary Magdalene

The Church of Mary Magdalene is located across the Kidron Valley from the Temple Mount and the Dome of the Rock--and it's across the street from the Garden of Gethsemane. It's in the domain of the Russian Orthodox who have a newly strict dress code--no pants, no shorts, only skirts for women and no shorts for men. We were scolded for wearing pants, and handed some wraparound skirts to wear. They ran out when they got to me, so I hiked up the stairs thinking that there would be a skirt waiting for me at the top. No skirt. No more scolding either. And the absolute BEST part was seeing all the MEN in shorts who had to wear the skirts to get into the Church. Hee. Justice. Just a little bit.

That said, today is her feast day, and it was wonderful to celebrate this here. Mary of Magdala has been restored, I hope. She was not a woman of ill repute. She was not married to Jesus. She was not the un-named woman in Luke's Gospel who weeps at the feet of Jesus and anoints his feet with oil. She was and is, the apostle to the apostles. She was the first to see the Risen Lord, and the first to tell the others of the news. She was a strong woman of faith who is a role model for all women, through all time. I am grateful to have spent part of her feast day in the church that bears her name in Jerusalem.

One of the questions for reflection for today is:

When in my life have I been clear about who I am and what I must do--even at great cost?

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