Friday, July 23, 2010

Weeping in Jerusalem

We stood on top of the Mount of Olives, the place where Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem. You have to put your brain and ears in a different place, otherwise it’s too easy to get distracted by the constant “Postcards, 10 for 1 dollah” guys who are every, and I do mean, everywhere. It’s easy to forget that you are in the holiest city in the world for Christians.

But it’s easy to weep over the city of Jerusalem. We listened to a speaker last evening who is working with interfaith groups to try to break down walls between people of different faiths and build peace. This is not an easy thing. Racism and religious prejudice run high here (as it does in the United States!). If Jerusalem could live in peace…..perhaps the rest of the world could as well.

I read Ps. 122 and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

What is clear to me is this-- Jesus still weeps over Jerusalem.


Diana Joy said...

Hey Miss Ann......thanks for posting; love the picture. Hugs my friend. Say hi to everyone.

Doug, Margi, Ginnie, Torben & Chester said...

Love reading your blog-thoughts and know that there are so many themes we'll be hearing even more about on those special Sundays when MsAnn gives one of her fab homilies.

Sending you "traveling mercies" :-)
& T too.